Wednesday 7 December 2011

Round up of my work on barth: Scott Sutherland

My work on barth started with helping rob slim down the original idea as it started off with me designing a 7 sided room. This idea was quickly scrapped for a normal 4 walled room. The idea was pretty simple it was an old man in a room being haunted by his past, to be made as an atmospheric piece in maya. When the group was finalised we all started character design. When we finally broke off to do our thing i started on the action props which you can see in a previous post with the rest of the size comparisons. I then moved on to layout of the room and perspective drawings.

which moved onto me cleaning it up on the computer, although this didnt get finished due to time pressing on and having to finish off some of the action prop designs as editing was required. The animatic came next and working with my layout drawings and a mannequin i put together in maya i managed to produce a simple video to help with pacing and visualisation. Which blogger is being nice enough not to let me upload and share. One this was done i moved onto modelling out my action props and passing them onto daniel to texture, taking his final barth to begin rigging. the rigging and skin weights took some time as i started off trying to make rigs that were far to in depth and complicated for barth before i found a happy medium and somehting that would give us the full range of motion that we would require. Daniel took over with the skin weighting after that so i could get a night of proper sleep but it proved to be more trouble than we thought. I then took back over skin weighting and after a couple of days managed to get the hang of it and get the final product deforming in a nice way. Once we had the rig the others had set up the room and we got animating. I was given the scenes i wanted which is the opening three and managed to get the animation done pretty quickly although i wish i had more time. 

We managed to move quickly onto sound and me daniel and charlie sat in one of the sound studion recording as much a we could on our own in one night. Some of which proved useful but most needed re done in the morning. Me a daniel finished this off with some seriously stupid noises but they fit. This lead to the finishing touched with the sound editing on a video file that hadnt yet been composited and then the composited video was slotted in. Credits and title page added and we got our finished film which we are all pretty happy with :D


hey guys

Sorry its been a while since i last blogged been really busy animating as you do lol anyway thought i would update with all my recent stuff. I'm glad to say that we are finished with our movie now and onto 2nd semester :) but maya won't let me put tiff files or play movies :( x

Friday 2 December 2011

Monday 28 November 2011


Been working on the fire for our project. It's the only source of light so we need it to project quite well. Eventually ended up using two different coloured Spot lights in Maya, alongside the fire. Here's some screenies. Rob

Thursday 24 November 2011


Just a litte test render of the fire to see how effective it is what your think guys let me know :) x DMC

Saturday 19 November 2011


This is some of the furniture in the room modelled by scott and textured by myself  should be good once all the objects are in the same room :) x DMC



Blend shapes was really rewarding when you see the final outcome i must say I'm a fan :) x DMC